Composers of the Festival 2019

In portraits we introduce the composers of the festival. These are Israel Meyer Japhet, Max Georg Löwenstamm, Emanuel Kirschner, Heinrich Schalit, Hugo Adler and Jakob Schönberg.

Thoughts on the early works of Paul Ben-Haim (Frankenburger)

The composer Paul Ben-Haim (1897-1984) was born as Paul Frankenburger in Munich, the capital of Bavaria. There he was quite successful after the First World War as a composer until the Nazis came to power. Michael Wolpe reflected on his early work.

Prof. Dr. Tina Frühauf on this year’s festival topic

Prof. Dr. Tina Frühauf über das diesjährige Louis Lewandowski Festival Thema: Es widmet sich der weitläufigen und vielfältigen Chormusiklandschaft Süddeutschlands, von den bescheidenen Anfängen der 1830er Jahre bis zu den frühen 1940er Jahren, geschaffen von Komponisten aus dieser Region die sich…

Interview mit Festivaldirektor Nils Busch-Petersen

Auf was freuen Sie sich dieses Jahr besonders? Dass wir einige Stücke aufführen werden, die zum Teil seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr in Deutschland zu hören waren, so zum Beispiel „Balak und Bilam“ von Hugo Adler bei der Eröffnung in der Potsdamer St. Nikolaikirche. Wir werden auch zwei Lieder von Paul…

Grußwort des Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin

Zum Louis-Lewandowski-Festival 2019 begrüße ich, als Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin, alle Musikerinnen und Musiker sowie auch die Gäste sehr herzlich. Berlin ist nicht eben arm an hochkarätigen Musikfestivals. Unter ihnen nimmt das Louis Lewandowski Festival eine Sonderstellung ein.

Grusswort Ministerpräsident Dr. Dietmar Woidke

Der Ministerpräsident von Brandenburg, Dr. Dietmar Woidke: Als Schirmherr begrüße ich Sie sehr herzlich zum 9. Louis Lewandowski Festival, das wie jedes Jahr eindrucksvoll den Reichtum jüdischer Musik präsentiert...

Jerusalem Academy Chamber Choir

The Jerusalem Academy Chamber Choir has 32 members, mostly students or graduates of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. The choir, founded in 1969 by Avner Itai, was immediately recognized as one of the best choirs in the country. Music Director is Stanley Sperber.

The Moran Choir

The Moran Choir includes 40 young singers ages 12-18. It was established by Naomi Faran, in 1986. The vision of the choir is to provide young children coral education, musical training, and performance opportunities and to spread the love for choral singing in Israel and around the world.

The Baruch Brothers Choir 01

The Baruch Brothers Choir

The Baruch Brothers Choir from Belgrade was established in as the Serbian-Jewish Singers Society in 1879, with the goal of cherishing the cultural and artistic heritage and tradition of the Jewish people which live in these parts. Conductor and Musical Director is Stefan Zekić.

Louis Lewandowski Festival 2019

This year the festival is dedicated to the synagogal music of composers from Southern Germany. Among them are contemporaries of Louis Lewandowski such as Maier Kohn (1802 - 1875), Max Löwenstamm (1814 - 1881) and Israel Meyer Japhet (1818 - 1892).

Impressions 2018

Impressionen vom Louis Lewandowski Festival 2018 – Konzerte, Menschen, Chöre und ein Blick hinter die Kulissen des 8. Festivals.

Palästina als britisches Mandat 1922–48: Jüdische Einwanderung.  Singen der HaTikwah (= die Hoffnung; später Nationalhymne Israels) auf einer Versammlung jüdischer Einwanderer.  Foto, um 1935.

Choral Music Landscape Israel

The foundation for Israeli choral music was laid decades before the establishment of the Jewish state, in the Yishuv, the Jewish settlement in Palestine during the British Mandate.

Israeli Composer Anna Segal, photo by Alex Vanzetti

Anna Segal – world premiere of the oratorio Todesfuge

Paul Celan's "Death Fugue" was the basis for Anna Segal's oratorio "Death Fugue", which premieres at the Louis Lewandowski Festival.


GDR special stamp for the Reconstruction of the New Synagogue

Among the 62 special stamps that the last stamp year of the former GDR comprised were two dedicated to the reconstruction of the New Synagogue. One showed a portrait of the New Synagogue, the other a portrait of Louis Lewandowski.

Vier Israelis in Berlin

four Israelis in Berlin

Schlendert man durch die Straßen und Gassen Berlins muss man nicht lange suchen oder ganz genau hinhören, um die glücklichen und nicht immer leisen Klänge der Hebräischen Sprache zu vernehmen. Jüdisches Leben pulsiert wieder in Berlin. Jüdisches Leben ist zurück in der deutschen Hauptstadt.……

Interview with Festival Director Nils Busch-Petersen

Nils Busch-Petersen in an interview with Festival Magazin: "The Handelsverband Berlin-Brandenburg and its members have supported the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin since 2007 and the "Louis Lewandowski Festival - World Festival of Synagogue Music" since 2011 as main sponsors and partners."

Kantor Isaac Sheffer singend in der Synagoge Rykestraße

Cantor Isaac Sheffer

Cantor Isaac Sheffer, born in 1951 in Israel, has been living in Berlin for many years and has been cantor in the synagogue on Pestalozzistraße in Berlin for almost twenty years now. In 2000 he continued the legacy of the world-famous cantor Estrongo Nachama. His warm beautiful voice moves every…

Cantor Joseph Malovany

Cantor Joseph Malovany

With his unique voice Cantor Joseph Malovany of the Fifth Ave Synagogue in New York, is one of the most famous stars of his guild. His heartfelt prayers are masterfully woven with orchestral and choral music to raise spiritual awareness and to guide the transcendence of the spirit beyond the here…

Israeli composer Anna Segal, photo by Alex Vanzetti

»Death Fugue« by Paul Celan

Black milk of morning we drink you at dusktime we drink you at noontime and dawntime we drink you at night we drink and drink we scoop out a grave in the sky where it’s roomy to lie There’s a man in this house who cultivates snakes and who writes


Following the call and need of many Jewish communities inGermany for comprehensively trained cantors, a decade ago in 2008, the Abraham Geiger College was founded at the University of Potsdam with the support of the families of Jim and Stephen K.Breslauer.

Michael Müller-Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin


Michael Müller, Governing Mayor of Berlin. I warmly welcome all participating choirs, musicians and guests to the 8th Louis-Lewandowski-Festival 2018.