Tehila & Band

Direct and immediate, expressive and with a warm timbre, Tehila is a versatile and soulful musician with a large repertoire for both soprano and mezzo-soprano.
She enjoys switching back and forth between opera, chamber music and song repertoire.

Nashirah Chorale

Nashirah was founded in 2002 when a group of singers wondered if we could start a choir with auditions and a focus on Jewish music.
There was no such choir in the Philadelphia area at the time.
We decided that we would have a professional artistic director and a professional accompanist.
We decided how we wanted to define Jewish music.

Maureen Nehedar

Maureen Nehedar is a vocal artist, composer and paytanit – a singer of Jewish liturgical poetry – as well as a poet and researcher of Jewish musical traditions in general and the Jewish Persian tradition in particular.

Yamma Ensemble

The Yamma Ensemble is one of the projects of Israeli singer Talya G. A Solan.
With the Yamma Ensemble, she is searching for the roots of traditional Israeli music.

Regina Yantian – Artistic Director

In the 14th year of the Louis Lewandowski Festival, for the first time only music by Oriental Jews will be heard, whose melodies, keys and choice of instruments are very much influenced by the musical culture of their Arab countries of origin in the Middle East and North Africa.

Synagogal Ensemble Berlin

The Synagogal Ensemble Berlin (SEB) was founded in 2002 by Regina Yantian as a concert ensemble. It consists of eight to twenty professional singers, …