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Music of ancient tribes
Oriental Jews
December 19 - 22, 2024
in Berlin-Brandenburg

Louis rocks for Israel

Community Center of the Jewish Community 
10623 Berlin
Fasanenstrasse 79-80

– Synagogal Ensemble Berlin
– Engerling
– Zöllner

Opening concert

Thursday, the
19.12.2024 - 18:00 h

Altes Stadthaus
03046 Cottbus
Altmarkt 21

with all artists of the festival


Saturday, the
21.12.2024 - 16:00 h

Hospital church in Wuhlgarten
12683 Berlin-Biesdorf
Brebacher Weg 15

Synagogal Ensemble Berlin
Special Guest: Jeanette Rotstein Yehudaiyan (Persian)


Saturday, the
21.12.2024 - 19:00 h

12459 Berlin-Oberschöneweide
Reinbeckstraße 8-49

Ensemble Yamma Teiman
(Yemeni singers)
Atanu Ensemble
(musicians from oriental tribes)

Final concert

Sunday, the
22.12.2024 - 17:00 h

Rykestraße Synagogue
Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg
Rykestraße 53

with all artists of the festival

The artists 2024

Yamma Teiman Ensemble

Women's songs in the Yemeni tradition. "Teiman" is the Hebrew word for Yemen. This newly founded women's ensemble brings an ancient tradition of the Jewish community, which has lived in Yemen for two millennia, back into the limelight.
Jeanette Rotstein Yehudayan was born in Tehran as the daughter of the well-known cantor Geula Aziz Mola Yehudayan, who was the son of the rabbi (Mola) from the city of Esphahan.
The Atanu Ensemble is a unique collective of musicians known for knowing and performing the musical styles of almost every Jewish community in the Middle East and North Africa. The ensemble consists of seven musicians - playing both modern and ancient instruments - and four singers of religious poetry, known as paitanim.
The cantor, musician, singer, drummer and percussionist Yair Tzabari (47 years old) is a multi-talented musician and one of the most respected and fascinating musicians in the Yemenite community in Israel.
In the 14th year of the Louis Lewandowski Festival, for the first time only music by Oriental Jews will be heard, whose melodies, keys and choice of instruments are very much influenced by the musical culture of their Arab countries of origin in the Middle East and North Africa.
The Synagogal Ensemble Berlin (SEB) was founded in 2002 by Regina Yantian as a concert ensemble. It consists of eight to twenty professional singers, ...

Greetings 2023

The Louis Lewandowski Festival is a tribute to the rich musical culture that characterizes Europe. In our multifaceted city, we find the ideal setting to discover together the musical treasures that unite us.
As great as the joy is again this year, we cannot celebrate the great Jewish musician and Jewish life in our country without thinking of the horrific massacre on October 7.
The motto of this year's 13th Louis Lewandowski Festival is "75 years of Israel". A beautiful and worthy motto. I was really looking forward to the festival when I heard about festival director Nils Busch-Petersen's plans. And I actually wanted to tell you about the diversity of contemporary music culture in Israel, which draws on a wide variety of oriental and European currents.

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