Regina Yantian – Artistic Director

In the 14th year of the Louis Lewandowski Festival, for the first time only music by Oriental Jews will be heard, whose melodies, keys and choice of instruments are very much influenced by the musical culture of their Arab countries of origin in the Middle East and North Africa.

Zemel Choir

Der Zemel Choir gegründet 1955 von Dudley Cohen, genießt als einer der besten gemischten jüdischen Chöre weltweit, internationale Anerkennung.

The Zemel Choir, founded in 1955 by Dudley Cohen, enjoys international recognition as one of the best mixed Jewish choirs in the world.

Tivon Israel Chamber Choir

Der Tivon Israel Chamber Choir wurde 1974 gegründet und besteht derzeit aus 45 Sängern aus Kiryat Tivon und Umgebung, im Norden Israels.

The Tivon Israel Chamber Choir was founded in 1974 and currently consists of 45 singers from Kiryat Tivon and the surrounding area in the north of Israel.

Jerusalem a Cappella Singers

The repertoire of the Jerusalem A-Cappella Singers reflects a prism of traditions.
In recent years, the ensemble has been invited to perform at official events in the Knesset.

Synagogal Ensemble Berlin

The Synagogal Ensemble Berlin (SEB) was founded in 2002 by Regina Yantian as a concert ensemble. It consists of eight to twenty professional singers, …