Regierende Bürgermeisterin von Berlin, Franziska Giffey,

Franziska Giffey, Regierende Bürgermeisterin von Berlin,

Dear festival enthusiasts, dear visitors, this year three celebratory occasions come together for the Louis Lewandowski Festival: 1,700 years of Jewish life in Germany, the crowning of the organ as "Instrument of the Year," and finally the 200th birthday of the namesake of this wonderful festival,…


Lewandowski – Eine Huldigungskantate

At the opening concert, listen to "Lewandowski - A Cantata of Homage" interspersed with biographical notes on the stages of the life of Louis Lewandowski, the great reformer of synagogal music

Program Reinbeckhallen Oberschöneweide

In the lovingly restored industrial architecture of the Reinbeckhallen in Oberschöneweide, the "Synagogal Ensemble Berlin" and the "Moran Singers Ensemble" from Israel

The Moran Singer Ensemble

Programm Krankenhauskirche im Wuhlgarten

In the small, acoustically excellent hospital church in Wuhlgarten, in Berlin-Marzahn-Hellersdorf you will hear the "Moran Singers Ensemble" from Israel. Naomi Faran is the musical director and Tom Karni conducts. Shay Cohen accompanies on the piano.

The artists of the Louis Lewandowski Festival 2021/22

Here we present the artists who will shape the 11th Louis Lewandowski Festival in the 2021/22 corona year, including composers, singers, composers and organists

Prof. Dr. Tina Frühauf on the unknown Lewandowski

Prof. Dr. Tina Frühauf: This year's Louis Lewandowski Festival focuses on the festival's namesake on the occasion of his bicentenary. It is dedicated to a series of works that brings us closer to the reformer of synagogal music, ..


Dr. Gideon Joffe | Chairman of the Jewish Community of Berlin

I am delighted that - despite Corona-related restrictions - the Louis Lewandowski Festival is taking place in Berlin for the eleventh time. It has become a fine tradition and an integral part of our city's cultural calendar.

Greeting Minister President Dr. Dietmar Woidke

Der Ministerpräsident von Brandenburg, Dr. Dietmar Woidke: Ganz in diesem Sinne wünsche ich Ihnen ein wunderbares Festival mit ergreifenden Konzerten und schönen gemeinsamen Stunden, wo auch immer Sie das Louis Lewandowski Festival verfolgen.

The Moran Singer Ensemble

Moran Singers Ensemble

Das Moran Singers Ensemble wurde 1998 als professionelles Ensemble unter der fachkundigen musikalischen Leitung der Dirigentin Naomi Faran gegründet. Es widmet sich der Förderung musikalischer Spitzenleistungen und des Sologesangs unter jungen israelischen Singenden. Der Hausdirigent des Ensembles…


Here you can find the streaming dates for this year's Louis Lewandowski Festival on YouTube .


Die Grußworte von Dr. Gideon Joffe – Vorsitzender der Jüdischen Gemeinde zu Berlin, Michael Müller, dem Regierenden Bürgermeister von Berlin und Dr. Dietmar Woidke – Ministerpräsident des Landes Brandenburg. Allen dreien möchte das Louis Lewandowski Festival ganz besonderes für die Unterstützung in…

Shacharit – ein Oratorium

Shacharit - Dawn (2018). Israeli composer Ella Milch-Sheriff on her work Shacharit - Oratorio for soprano and baritone solo, mixed choir and chamber orchestra, whose German premiere will take place on December 17, 2020 at the Nikolaikirche in Potsdam.

Die Künstler des 10. Louis Lewandowski Festivals

Wir stellen Ihnen hier die Künstler vor, die das 10. Louis Lewandowski Festival im Coronajahr 2020 prägen, darunter Streicher, Sänger, Komponisten und Organisten

Interview mit Nils Busch Petersen zum 10. Louis Lewandowski Festival

Festivaldirektor Nils Busch-Petersen spricht mit dem Festivalmagazin über die besonderen Herausforderungen des diesjährigen "Limited Edition" Festival, über das Programm, über Pläne und Aussichten und was ihn persönlich besonders beeindruckt hat.

Menora Synagoge Rykestrasse

Über die Musik des 10. Louis Lewandowski Festivals

Ein Beitrag von Regina Yantian, der künstlerischen Leiterin des Festivals: Wir möchten unserem Publikum, online oder vor Ort, in unseren Konzerten, Synagogalmusik aus vielen verschiedenen jüdischen Zentren und aus unterschiedlichen Epochen präsentieren.

Eröffnung und Konzert 2019 Video Mitschnitt

Eröffnung und Konzert 2019 Mitschnitt

Watch the complete recording of the opening and the concert here. Among others, "Balak and Bilam" was performed with the Berlin Symphony Orchestra and festival choirs under the conductor Emily Freemann Brown. Speakers were Festival Director Nils Busch-Petersen, Prime Minister Dr. Dietmar Woidke and…

Impressions 2019

Impressions of the 2019 festival, which means impressions of six concerts in Berlin and Potsdam. Four choirs with more than one hundred singers, an orchestra, four soloists and a few thousand visitors.


When it comes to southern Germany, most of us probably think of beer, dirndls and lederhosen rather than Jews and synagogal music. And yet both beer* and traditional costumes** have a Jewish component and the roots of modern synagogal and choral music lie in southern Germany.


After completing his military service in the First World War, my father, Hugo Adler - composer of Balak and Bilam, studied at the University of Cologne and at the Musikhochschule in Munich. By Sam Adler

Four Soloist Portraits

Here we present four soloists of the festival. The conductor Emily Freeman Brown, the pianist Jürgen Geiger. Also Michael Cayton as organist and the pianist and musicologist Jascha Nemtsov.

Regina Yantian – Musical Director

Since the very beginning, musicologist Regina Yantian has been the artistic director of the Louis Lewandowski Festival, which is taking place in Berlin for the thirteenth time this year.