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Dr. Gideon Joffe, Chairman
of the Jewish Community of Berlin

To welcome you as visitors to the 10th Louis Lewandowski Festival, despite the corona-related measures.
At a time when you cannot meet your relatives, friends and acquaintances as usual and live community, the Louis Lewandowski Festival is particularly important both socially and culturally.

Kai Wegner
Governing Mayor of Berlin

The Louis Lewandowski Festival is a tribute to the rich musical culture that characterizes Europe.
In our multifaceted city, we find the ideal setting to discover together the musical treasures that unite us.

Dr. Gideon Joffe, Chairman
of the Jewish Community of Berlin

The motto of this year’s 13th Louis Lewandowski Festival is “75 years of Israel”.
A beautiful and worthy motto.
I was really looking forward to the festival when I heard about festival director Nils Busch-Petersen’s plans.
And I actually wanted to tell you about the diversity of contemporary music culture in Israel, which draws on a wide variety of oriental and European currents.

Franziska Giffey, Governing Mayor of Berlin,

Regierende Bürgermeisterin von Berlin, Franziska Giffey,

Dear festival enthusiasts and visitors, this year’s Louis Lewandowski Festival brings together three celebrations: 1,700 years of Jewish life in Germany, the crowning of the organ as “Instrument of the Year” and, finally, the 200th birthday of the namesake of this wonderful festival, the outstanding composer Louis Lewandowski.
Finally, the 200th birthday of the man who gave his name to this wonderful festival, the outstanding composer Louis Lewandowski.

Dr. Gideon Joffe, Chairman of the Jewish Community of Berlin

I am delighted that the Louis Lewandowski Festival is taking place in Berlin for the eleventh time – despite the restrictions imposed by the coronavirus.
It has become a wonderful tradition and an integral part of our city’s cultural calendar.

Grusswort Ministerpräsident Dr. Dietmar Woidke

Der Ministerpräsident von Brandenburg, Dr. Dietmar Woidke: Ganz in diesem Sinne wünsche ich Ihnen ein wunderbares Festival mit ergreifenden Konzerten und schönen gemeinsamen Stunden, wo auch immer Sie das Louis Lewandowski Festival verfolgen.

Greeting Minister President Dr. Dietmar Woidke

The Minister President of Brandenburg, Dr. Dietmar Woidke: In this spirit, I wish you a wonderful festival with moving concerts and wonderful hours together, wherever you follow the Louis Lewandowski Festival.

Interview mit Festivaldirektor Nils Busch-Petersen

Auf was freuen Sie sich dieses Jahr besonders?
Dass wir einige Stücke aufführen werden, die zum Teil seit Jahrzehnten nicht mehr in Deutschland zu hören waren, so zum Beispiel „Balak und Bilam“ von Hugo Adler bei der Eröffnung in der Potsdamer St. Nikolaikirche. Wir werden auch zwei Lieder von Paul Ben-Haim aufführen.

Grußwort des Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin

Zum Louis-Lewandowski-Festival 2019 begrüße ich, als Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin, alle Musikerinnen und Musiker sowie auch die Gäste sehr herzlich. Berlin ist nicht eben arm an hochkarätigen Musikfestivals. Unter ihnen nimmt das Louis Lewandowski Festival eine Sonderstellung ein.

Greeting from Prime Minister Dr. Dietmar Woidke

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of Jewish choral music, as patron, I would like to welcome you to the 9th Louis Lewandowski Festival, which, as every year, impressively presents the richness of Jewish music.
This year, the renowned festival of Jewish choral music is dedicated to the musical life of the Jewish communities in southern Germany.
Choirs from the USA, Israel, Serbia and Germany recall a very special musical culture.

Anna Segal – World premiere of the oratorio Todesfuge

Israeli Composer Anna Segal, photo by Alex Vanzetti

The well-known Israeli composer Anna Segal has extensive experience as a musician.
She has worked with a variety of musical institutions and has had the good fortune to perform with the Berlin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra and under the direction of Israeli conductor Lior Shambadal.

Nils Busch-Petersen in conversation

Nils Busch-Petersen in conversation with the Festival Magazine.
As the main sponsor and partner, the Berlin-Brandenburg Trade Association and its members have been supporting the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin since 2007 and the “Louis Lewandowski Festival – World Festival of Synagogue Music” since 2011

Cantor Isaac Sheffer

Kantor Isaac Sheffer singend in der Synagoge Rykestraße

Cantor Isaac Sheffer, born in 1951 in Israel, has been living in Berlin for many years and has been cantor in the synagogue on Pestalozzistraße in Berlin for almost twenty years now. In 2000 he continued the legacy of the world-famous cantor Estrongo Nachama. His warm beautiful voice moves every listener.