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Dr. Gideon Joffe, Chairman
of the Jewish Community of Berlin

Jewish life in Berlin is still not normal today - almost 80 years after the Shoah. This makes it all the more important to set an example and take action

Jewish life in Berlin is still not normal today – almost 80 years after the Shoah.
This makes it all the more important to set an example and take action – for peaceful coexistence and more tolerance.
Music has been connecting people for many centuries.
It brings us together, regardless of our religion or origin, it lets us sing, dance, experience and share beautiful and sometimes sad moments together.
I am therefore delighted that the Louis Lewandowski Festival is coming to the capital for the ninth time this year, bringing nations from all over the world closer together and inspiring them with its unique synagogal music.
Since 2011, the festival has established itself as a musical highlight in Berlin and Potsdam, bringing Jewish worship to life in a very special and emotional way for all cultures.
Louis Lewandowski saw himself as a secular composer and therefore also as a bridge builder – his deepest wish was to unite Jewish synagogue music with classical European musical traditions.
Thanks to the festival, his vision continues to have an impact today.
I wish all the participants and guests a peaceful and musical coexistence and every success.

Dr. Gideon Joffe
Chairman of the Jewish Community of Berlin