Herzlich willkommen in der Wirkungsstätte Louis Lewandowskis.

Dr.-Gideon-Joffe,-Vorstandsvorsitzender-der-Juedischen-Gemeinde-zu-BerlinIt is largely thanks to the great reformer of synagogal music that the traditional Jewish prayer service took on a new form, marked by the interplay between cantor, choir and organ. Lewandowski’s compositions reflected the newly awakened self-confidence of German Jews in the 19th century and contributed to the spread and growing popularity of Jewish liturgical music worldwide – even beyond the boundaries of religious trends.

With the annihilation of German Jewry during the Shoah, the liberal choir organ service also disappeared. This tradition could be continued in the synagogue Pestalozzistraße in Berlin. Cantor Estrongo Nachama began singing the music of Levandowski on the Sabbath and on holidays accompanied by the organ as early as 1947. The Synagogal Ensemble Berlin continues this tradition to this day.

The Louis Lewandowski Festival was founded six years ago to make this cultural asset better known. Since then, listeners beyond the Jewish community have known and appreciated the importance and the work of this composer.

I am very happy that so many musicians from different places in the world have visited us again this year to bring Lewandowski’s work to life. I wish all participants much joy and success.

Dr. Gideon Joffe, Chairman of the Jewish Community of Berlin


Dr. Gideon Joffe | Chairman of the Jewish Community of Berlin

I am delighted that - despite Corona-related restrictions - the Louis Lewandowski Festival is taking place in Berlin for the eleventh time. It has become a fine tradition and an integral part of our city's cultural calendar.

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Dr. Gideon Joffe | Chairman of the Jewish Community of Berlin

Instead, I must take this opportunity to express my anger and sadness at the criminal and insidious terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7 of this year.

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Regierende Bürgermeisterin von Berlin, Franziska Giffey,

Franziska Giffey, Regierende Bürgermeisterin von Berlin,

Dear festival enthusiasts, dear visitors, this year three celebratory occasions come together for the Louis Lewandowski Festival: 1,700 years of Jewish life in Germany, the crowning of the organ as "Instrument of the Year," and finally the 200th birthday of the namesake of this wonderful festival, the outstanding composer Louis Lewandowski.

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Greeting Minister President Dr. Dietmar Woidke

Der Ministerpräsident von Brandenburg, Dr. Dietmar Woidke: Ganz in diesem Sinne wünsche ich Ihnen ein wunderbares Festival mit ergreifenden Konzerten und schönen gemeinsamen Stunden, wo auch immer Sie das Louis Lewandowski Festival verfolgen.

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Greeting Minister President Dr. Dietmar Woidke

The Minister President of Brandenburg, Dr. Dietmar Woidke: "In this spirit, I wish you a wonderful festival with moving concerts and wonderful times together, wherever you are following the Louis Lewandowski Festival.

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Grußwort des Regierenden Bürgermeisters von Berlin

Zum Louis-Lewandowski-Festival 2019 begrüße ich, als Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin, alle Musikerinnen und Musiker sowie auch die Gäste sehr herzlich. Berlin ist nicht eben arm an hochkarätigen Musikfestivals. Unter ihnen nimmt das Louis Lewandowski Festival eine Sonderstellung ein.

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Grusswort Ministerpräsident Dr. Dietmar Woidke

Der Ministerpräsident von Brandenburg, Dr. Dietmar Woidke: Als Schirmherr begrüße ich Sie sehr herzlich zum 9. Louis Lewandowski Festival, das wie jedes Jahr eindrucksvoll den Reichtum jüdischer Musik präsentiert...

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Kai Wegner, Governing Mayor of Berlin,

The Louis Lewandowski Festival is a tribute to the rich musical culture that characterizes Europe. In our multifaceted city, we find the ideal setting to discover together the musical treasures that unite us.

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Michael Müller | Regierender Bürgermeister von Berlin

I would like to welcome all musicians and guests to the 7th Louis Lewandowski Festival.

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Nils Busch- Petersen | Festivaldirektor

Nils Busch-Petersen | Festival director

Liebe singende und lauschende Teilnehmende am 7. Louis Lewandowski Festival, seienSie herzlich willkommen!

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