Cantor Joseph Malovany

Cantor Joseph Malovany

With his unique voice, senior cantor Joseph Malovany from 5th Ave Synagogue in New York is one of the best-known stars of his profession.
His musical compositions are full of the authenticity of Jewish liturgy and inspire audiences worldwide.

»Death Fugue« by Paul Celan

Israeli composer Anna Segal, photo by Alex Vanzetti

Black milk of morning we drink you at dusktime
we drink you at noontime and dawntime we drink you at night
we drink and drink
we scoop out a grave in the sky where it’s roomy to lie
There’s a man in this house who cultivates snakes and who writes


Following the call and need of many Jewish communities inGermany for comprehensively trained cantors, a decade ago in 2008, the Abraham Geiger College was founded at the University of Potsdam with the support of the families of Jim and Stephen K.Breslauer.

Louis Lewandowski (1821 – 1894)

Louis Lewandowski left his family at the age of 12, which was not unusual at the time, went to Berlin and joined the Jewish community.
Cantor Ascher Lion quickly recognized Lewandowski’s musicality and beautiful boyish soprano and made him his musical assistant in the service.