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Michael Müller
Greetings from the Governing Mayor of Berlin

I would like to extend a warm welcome to all musicians and guests to the 6th Louis Lewandowski Festival. Berlin is not exactly short of top-class music festivals.

But the Louis Lewandowski Festival occupies a special position here.
It is closely linked to Berlin’s culture and history.
At the same time, it brings to the surface a musical treasure that is still relatively unknown to the general public: synagogal music.
This year’s festival is thematically dedicated to the Jewish Renaissance and Baroque in synagogal music.
Choirs from Basel, Leipzig, Johannesburg and Berlin will make churches, synagogues and town halls in Berlin and Potsdam resound with their music during the festival.
The Louis Lewandowski Festival once again offers Berlin music fans a great opportunity to get to know new choirs from Germany and other countries and to experience music that is part of our city’s cultural heritage.
I would like to thank the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin for their great commitment in organizing the festival again this year.
I would also like to thank all partners, sponsors and friends of the festival.
The broad support shows: Berlin’s Jewish culture is supported by civic initiative.
Everyone involved can be proud of this.
With this in mind, I wish all festival guests much enjoyment of the concerts and unforgettable listening experiences at the 6th Louis Lewandowski Festival.

Michael Müller
Governing Mayor of Berlin