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Dr. Dietmar Woidke
Minister President of Brandenburg

I was therefore all the more pleased that the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin was unable to cancel the concert series with Jewish choral music. However - and this year's title "Limited Edition" says it all - it can unfortunately only take place in a reduced form. With fewer artists and fewer concerts.

Jewish life belongs to Germany!

Ladies and gentlemen, dear friends of Jewish choral music, I would like to welcome you to the 10th Louis Lewandowski Festival.
This year, the renowned event is taking place under the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
I was therefore all the more pleased that the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin did not consider canceling the concert series with Jewish choral music.
However – and this year’s title “Limited Edition” says it all – it can unfortunately only take place in a reduced form.
With fewer artists and fewer concerts.
Nevertheless, the 10th festival will also present the richness of Jewish music well.
Especially as the concerts will definitely be streamed.
This will allow many festival fans to take part in this very special musical culture, which I greatly appreciate for many reasons.
The fact that events like the Louis Lewandowski Festival are being held, even digitally, is an important musical sign, especially in these days of crisis.
It is a welcome and melodious interruption to a global burden on us humans.
So we don’t forget how to enjoy ourselves.
In this way, the beautiful things in life remain with us – albeit in a reduced form.
That feels so good!
I also feel it is a great show of solidarity towards their fan community that the artists are performing at all.
Thank you very much for that!
This year’s Louis Lewandowski Festival is also sending out a clear signal in another direction: Jewish life belongs to Germany!
This is a matter of course.
But after numerous attacks, including violent ones, Jews are once again afraid.
On the anniversary of the Reichspogromnacht, an exhibition about Jewish sports stars was destroyed in Bochum.
I am dismayed by the threatening and dangerous anti-Semitism in our country, decades after the Shoah with millions of murdered Jews.
It is still and more than ever our mission and our lasting obligation to take action against anti-Semitism and racism.
I wish you wonderful concerts as part of the 10th Louis Lewandowski Festival.
I am sure that a “Limited Edition” can also be a lot of fun.
Unlimited much joy!

Dr. Dietmar Woidke Minister President of the State of Brandenburg