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Michael Müller
Greetings from the Governing Mayor of Berlin

Berlin is not exactly short of top-class music festivals. Among them, the Louis Lewandowski Festival occupies a special position. It is closely linked to Berlin's culture and history.

At the same time, it brings to light a musical treasure that is still relatively unknown to the general public.
The synagogal music that Louis Lewandowski decisively shaped here in Berlin in the 19th century was not only an integral part of Jewish worship.
Christian congregations also performed his psalm settings.
Lewandowski, who came to Berlin from Poznan, was one of the great names of the Jewish Berlin bourgeoisie.
He was patronized by the Mendelssohn family and achieved great renown as Royal Music Director and member of the Academy of Arts.
For six years now, the Louis Lewandowski Festival has been making this musical treasure accessible to a wide audience and helping to carry on the tradition.
Under the programmatic title “Icke!”, this year’s festival focuses on its namesake.
Choirs from Jerusalem, Tivon, London and Berlin will bring Louis Lewandowski’s music to churches, synagogues and other exciting venues in Berlin and Potsdam.
My thanks go to the Association of Friends and Sponsors of the Synagogal Ensemble Berlin, who have once again put a great deal of effort into organizing the festival.
I would also like to thank all partners, sponsors and friends of the festival.
The broad support shows: Berlin’s Jewish culture is supported by civic initiative.
Everyone involved can be proud of this.
With this in mind, I hope all festival guests enjoy the concerts of the 7th Louis Lewandowski Festival.

Michael Müller
Governing Mayor of Berlin