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Nils Busch-Petersen
Berlin Brandenburg Trade Association

In 2011, we started the festival full of questions. Would there be interested participants? How would the Berlin public react? Where would we find the necessary money? Today we have a long list of choirs hoping to take part in the future.

We enjoy a loyal audience in Berlin and Potsdam and send tickets all over the world.
So far, we have managed to finance the project privately.
The initial questions have been answered.
Artistically, we are returning to our origins for the seventh year: while the first festival was dedicated to Louis Lewandowski’s work, the second festival also focused on his contemporaries Salomon Sulzer (Vienna) and Samuel Naumbourg (Paris).
In 2013, Berlin celebrated the Year of Destroyed Diversity, dedicating the festival to synagogal music by Jewish composers from Germany who were persecuted or murdered during the Shoah.
The fourth festival, “Star and Stripes”, was dedicated to Jewish composers of synagogal music who emigrated to the United States.
2015 was a festival year dedicated to the Eastern European choir shul.
Last year we experienced “Jewish Renaissance and Baroque in Synagogue Music”.
After so many journeys through time and space, we are “grounding” the festival by returning home to Berlin and Louis Lewandowski.
There is still much to discover here, join us!

Nils Busch-Petersen | Berlin Brandenburg Trade Association