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Dr. Gideon Joffe, Chairman
of the Jewish Community of Berlin

To welcome you as visitors to the 10th Louis Lewandowski Festival, despite the corona-related measures. At a time when you cannot meet your relatives, friends and acquaintances as usual and live community, the Louis Lewandowski Festival is particularly important both socially and culturally.
Dear visitors, together with our community, I am particularly pleased to welcome you as visitors to the 10th Louis Lewandowski Festival, despite the corona-related measures.
At a time when we cannot meet our relatives, friends and acquaintances as usual and live in community, the Louis Lewandowski Festival is particularly important both socially and culturally.
The festival is a small light around which we can gather, regardless of religion or origin – even if only virtually this year.
For 10 years now, the Louis Lewandowski Festival has been connecting people through music, imparting knowledge, bringing Jewish worship to life and refuting prejudices.
For 10 years, we have been touched by the music of composers from many eras, performed by over 40
choirs and ensembles from all over the world.
And so I would like to take this opportunity to thank not only the organizers of the festival, but also the choirs for their performances in Berlin.
Together, they all contribute to making this festival a mosaic of Jewish life in our capital city.
I wish the festival another ten successful years and wish us all a peaceful and musical togetherness and good luck.
Stay healthy.
Dr. Gideon Joffe Chairman of the Jewish Community of Berlin